超長綿の中でも、世界一長いと言われる38.7mm以上を誇る「ULTIMATE PIMA(アルティメイトピマ)」を使用したTシャツ。
昼夜の寒暖差が大きい標高1,200mの高地で栽培されたULTIMATE PIMAの綿花は、繊維の中空率が高く生地にハリと腰を与え、風合いを長く保つことができます。
This T-shirt is made of "ULTIMATE PIMA," which is said to be the longest cotton in the world at over 38.7mm.
Cultivated at an altitude of 1,200 meters, where the temperature difference between day and night is large, ULTIMATE PIMA cotton has a high hollow fiber content, which gives the fabric its firmness and waist, and allows it to retain its texture for a long time.
The long thread length increases reflectivity and gives the fabric a silky sheen.
In addition to being pleasant to the touch, the long cotton fibers maintain strength even when thin, making it possible to produce thin, high-quality fabrics.
It is characterized by its dry touch and comfortable softness while having an appropriate degree of nubility.
It is called "the ultimate organic cotton" because the more it is used, the more it blends with the skin and can be used for a long time. By knitting the highest quality cotton in a plaiting process different from ordinary jersey knitting, we aimed to create a fabric with high elasticity in the horizontal direction, easy to put on and take off, and yet durable.
O 代官山 本店
O 代官山 2号店
A multitude of garments and accessories that have born and evolved, continuously adapting to the needs human’s history.
Our aim at KAIKO is to optimize these to modern society,To create products which help to serve a good time for users.
2(M) : 着丈63cm 肩幅43cm 身幅47cm 袖丈22cm
3(L) : 着丈65cm 肩幅45cm 身幅49cm 袖丈22cm
4(XL) : 着丈67cm 肩幅46cm 身幅51cm 袖丈23cm
身長179cm 着用サイズ : 3(L)